About us

Live out your dreams.

Embrace the Essence of Island Life

Established in 2013, Palaka Resort and Palaka Diving Center together offer the complete island experience. Whether you're seeking relaxation, adventure, or a combination of both, our resort and diving center provide the perfect blend. At Palaka, we invite you to embrace the essence of island life and create memories that will last a lifetime.

Our Partners

Mati Olivieri

Mati Olivieri is an Argentinian from the beautiful city of Buenos Aires, deeply in love with the tropics and photography. In 2017 he decided to move away from home and start doing surf and scuba photography professionally in the heavenly Siargao Island in the Philippines.

Looking for the best photographer in Siargao? Contact @mati.olivieri.surfph on Instagram

Tim McKenna

Born in Sydney in 1968, Tim McKenna is a leading figure in action sport photography. He has inspired his generation by revealing the sheer beauty of the elements through some of the most spectacular scenes and performances - which is why you'll find his photography hanging throughout Palaka Resort. Tim is now based with his wife and son on the Island of Tahiti striving to capture the magic of the Polynesian islands and people.


For potential collaborations or to check out more of Tim's work, you can visit https://www.timmckennaphoto.com/

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